Monday, 28 January 2013

Day 17: Here We Go Again

Another Monday rolls around! This time it wasn't quite as hectic getting out the door. Time seemed to be on my side, which is a rare occurance. My weekend was very unstructured, resulting in a mad last-minute frenzy of Sunday laundry, baking, cleaning and bookkeeping (I do some books on the side in addition to my office job.) I was seriously questioning my priorities as I realized that I am running a household, holding down a full time job AND doing work on the side. I've never been one of those people that needs to be busy all the time to feel like I've accomplished something. I cherish my unscheduled time and I hoarde those hours as often as possible. I would much rather have "nothing to do" than be running here, there and everywhere on a daily basis. But life has a way of taking on its own momentum if we don't actively stop it from doing so. I do believe it's time for a change. If I could pop a pill that negated the need for sleep that would be ideal....but alternatively I need to figure out ways to be more organized on a consistent basis!

I found this site that looks promising: I will be attempting some of the speed cleaning tips and menu planning. I'll let you all know how it goes! Until then....I will breeeeeathe. 

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