Monday, 7 January 2013

Monday...a.k.a. Day 1

I read an article this morning touting the extensive and near-magical qualities of drinking honey and cinnamon "tea" on a daily basis to prevent everything from heart disease to weight gain. Arthritis relief and cold prevention were also in the list, and considering I'm having issues with both today, it spurred me into action. I popped into a nearby health-food store on my lunch hour and obtained some locally sourced honey and high quality cinnamon. $30 later (ouch!), I had a kg of delicious honey and two packages of cinnamon. I mixed the recommended teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup boiling water. Now cinnamon doesn't dissolve readily, so even after a few minutes of stirring it remained suspended in a gelatinous glob of honey towards the bottom of the mug. That's all right- at least the taste isn't utterly wretched. I downed my potion with no problem. It tasted slightly spicy and overtly sweet, but drinkable. From this point forward I will be drinking the mixture every morning before my coffee.

This evening I am making it my goal to get a 20 minute yoga session in before bed. This will be a challenge with the extra work I'm doing from home, but I'm sure I can squeeze it in there.

More tomorrow...


  1. So raw cinnamon with honey, not cinnamon tea? Im cutting out sugar, i know honey is good but I need to lose 30 lbs!

  2. Nope- not actual cinnamon tea, though that may work just as well. My procedure is as follows: I boil 1 cup of water on the stovetop with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Once it reaches a rolling boil I give it a stir, then use a fine strainer to pour it into a mug (otherwise you get a lot of yucky cinnamon blobs). Let it cool a couple of minutes, then add 2 tablespoons of honey.

  3. Also- honey is considered one of the "safe" substances to use as an alternative to sugar. It won't interfere with weight loss and may even help according to what I've read!
