Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Suddenly Summer!

Typical Alberta. We went from winter one week to what feels like full-fledged summer the next. This past weekend was gloriously sunny and hot, coaxing the trees into leaf and the new grass to grow shaggy overnight. There are still heaps of dirty, crusted snow here and there in shaded areas, but the lawnmowers are already out. Winter boots are still heaped in the entryway next to our sandals. We are all cynical (and superstitious) enough to believe that putting away all the winter gear would be pointless before May long weekend is over. Nevertheless, I am rejoicing in the new season and spending as much time outside as possible. Hauling bags of soil, mulch and compost, and raking and weeding have become my new workouts this past week.

I spent yesterday evening in the yard mowing, trimming, weeding, planting and supplementing our rock hard clay-based soil with fresh stuff. I placed a new clematis vine in the front yard that I have high hopes for...I've always loved the look of a climbing vine but have never had success keeping one alive. This time I followed the instructions to a T. As I was clearing the area around it, my neighbor commented "getting rid of that nasty weed finally?" Apparently I neglected to weed that small patch when I moved in last year and it's been an eyesore. Yeesh. Her yard isn't exactly nice to look at either!

In the backyard my boyfriend and I worked new soil and compost into a strip of garden along the garage. He installed a small picket fence border to keep the dogs out, and I planted my sunflower seedlings that have been on our kitchen table the past couple of weeks. I topped the whole thing off with some pretty red mulch. My hands are a little rough this morning- I know I should keep my gardening gloves on, but there is something so satisfying about feeling the dirt when you're working with it. When I went to wash them, the combination of earth and red dye from the mulch washing down the drain made it look like I had murdered someone.

There is so much more work to make this yard my own. I don't think I'll have much leisure time for the next month. Fingers crossed that the warm, sunny weather holds out!

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