Friday, 8 February 2013

Confession Time!

I met up with a friend after work yesterday for some sushi and girl time...sushi is quickly becoming my favorite indulgence food, and though I know those calories still add up I believe that it's a far better choice than pizza or fried chicken. We had a very enjoyable meal, and I provided some comic relief by inadvertently dipping a piece into my hot sake rather than the soy sauce. I realized the liquid wasn't as dark as it should have been at the same moment that my friend said "did you just dip your sushi in....?" before starting to laugh. I had to pick half the roll out of my drink and round up the random grains of rice that kept eluding me. I saw no reason to let that stop me from finishing the sake...after all it IS rice wine! It's becoming a running joke that I am the messiest, most haphazard sushi eater in the world. I'm always splashing soy sauce all over the table, using the chopsticks wrong, taking a bite out of a piece while the rest crumbles to the plate. I'm not an overly clumsy person by nature, but I will inevitably make a mess if you take me out for sushi!

In the course of our conversation, my friend made the suggestion that I write a blog entry about the one thing that I still consider a vice. I've talked a lot about the things I have cut out and the healthier diet choices I've been making, and it might be starting to sound like I never indulge in "forbidden" things anymore. That's not true at all. I still enjoy the heck out of a glass of wine or beer (or two), and while I try not to have a drink on a daily basis, I still drink more than I should according to popular advice. I am conscious not to use it as a way to self-medicate when I'm stressed, but to me a glass of wine is just the thing in the evening when I'm relaxing with a book or a movie. I have pondered giving it up altogether, and I would in an instant if I had any major  health issues, but for now the positive outweighs the negative. I will continue to indulge in my vice.


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