Thursday, 28 March 2013

Foot Scrub

Despite what the snow covered landscape might indicate, spring is officially here, which means summer is around the corner. Once the snow is all melted it will be sandal and flats season! Hooray! I always end up wearing the same pair of boots all winter long and craving the variety that summer brings with different footwear options. I have way too many pairs of seldom-worn shoes considering how short the season is. But hey, it's one of life's small joys.

I tend to forget about my feet over the winter since they're always encased in either socks or slippers, but this time of year I start my "foot rehab" treatments. A good scrub in the shower and some intensive lotion before I put on my socks in the morning. Pinterest yields some effective do-it-yourself foot scrub recipes, and I tried one of them out a few days ago. It is as follows:

2 handfuls of rice (ground to a medium powder)
2 TBL honey
Cider vinegar (enough to get the desired consistency)

Grind the rice in whatever tool you grinders and blenders both work. You want it to be somewhat grainy still, not a fine powder. Add the honey and mix together. Pour in a small amount of cider vinegar to get a smooth, slightly runny consistency. Use the scrub on the heels, and whatever other parts of your feet are calloused/ have dead skin. Rub in a circular motion for a minute or so and rinse off. Be sure to follow up with moisturizer. I ended up with enough scrub to last about a week. I just keep it in the shower.

According to site that offered this recipe, this works great for severely dry heels that are cracked (mine are nowhere near that bad, but it worked great for me too.) The rice is an exfoliant, the honey is a moisturizer, and the vinegar is a gentle method of removing dead skin. You can also add olive oil for extra moisturizing power. I've been using it every day, and my feet are thanking me for it. Bring on sandal season!

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