Friday, 15 March 2013

Ah March...Thou Art a Heartless B**ch

Every year around this time we inevitably get all excited for spring, and then disappointed when another winter storm hits, or the temperature plunges. We KNOW it's going to happen, but it still feels like a betrayal from Mother Nature. March asserted itself in grand style with a dump of about 20 cms of snow yesterday and today. The roads are a horrible mess of ice and snow, with plenty of bad accidents to prove the point.

I saw this nasty one on the way to work this morning. Yes- that's a light post on top of that poor guy's car. *gulp*. He was okay, just shaken up (obviously).

Our large accumulation of snow was starting to recede, and now all of the melt-age has been replaced by a fresh load of powder. The only bright spots are that the days are longer so I won't be driving home in snow AND darkness, and the snow will melt sooner rather than later, given the time of year.

Despite the weather though, I am in a great mood today. It's Friday, and things are going my way. There has been resolution to a long-standing issue I won't get into, except to say that it's a tremendous weight off my shoulders. I'm also weirdly excited because tonight I am moving up to level 3 of the 30-Day-Shred. Ten more days and I will have completed the program. I'm proud of myself to sticking to it for once, and kind of shocked that I actually look forward to working out somewhat. Yay me!

Have a great weekend all!

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