1. The honey cinnamon tea. I know...I was really excited about this one for a couple weeks, but then I got extremely nauseous two mornings in a row after drinking it. That was enough to turn me off. I am still sold on its cold-fighting abilities though- and I will use it the next time I feel a virus coming on.
2. My complete ban on artificially sweetened and heavily caffeinated drinks. To be fair, I have still cut back drastically on the energy drinks and diet soda, but the total ban has given way to 3-4 servings per week. I don't know what to say, aside from: black coffee and water are boring (especially in places like movie theatres), and sometimes I want my caffeine in a cold and refreshing format.
3. Daily yoga. Ha ha ha....that one failed BIG time! I enjoyed going to yoga classes a handful of times and doing my routine at home, but it was never consistent. Now that I'm doing more high-impact exercises I'm far more successful at keeping it in my daily routine. I guess low-key just isn't for me!
4. The coffee grounds cellulite experiment. I tried it exactly once. As my boyfriend pointed out: a cost/benefit analysis makes it clear that the amount of time spent on this "treatment" just isn't worth it. The expensive cream would probably be better. I'm using neither. C'est la vie!
5. The oil method of facial cleansing. I'm not sure what happened there, except it just didn't take. It works well, but for some reason I fell out of the habit. Maybe it's just that extra couple of minutes that threw me off. Regardless, it's no longer part of my routine.
Now as for the habits I've kept:
1. I still drink smoothies (green or otherwise) ALMOST every day.
2. I am exercising almost every day for the past two months. This is a habit that has definitely stuck so far. I am at the point where I actually crave the sensation of sweating. Weird, I know, but true! I'm not going to argue.
3. I strive to eat as healthy as possible (most days.) I'm always looking for new, interesting recipes and have really enjoyed trying them out. It's actually become something of a hobby for me now, even if I AM the only one who enjoys the finished product. #*&%@# picky eaters! Sigh.
I think I've kept the most important habits, and I've maintained my spirit of exploration and the desire to share my experiences in this blog. I wasn't sure if I would be able to maintain my good intentions when I first started this, but so far it's been a great few months! Here's to many more.
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