Thursday, 25 April 2013

Pre-prepared Stir Fry Seasoning Discs

I've been relying heavily on stir frys for dinner this past week, and it occurred to me that I could save some time by pre-mixing the sauce, and freezing it into individual portion sizes that I could just toss into the frying pan. Thus was created: the stir fry seasoning disc! It couldn't be any simpler (well maybe it could....but this IS pretty darn easy.)

1. Take a muffin tin, add 2 tablespoons of chicken stock, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, and 1 teaspoon of oregano to each cup.

2. Toss it in the freezer for a few hours or over night. (Note: because of the soy sauce it doesn't freeze completely solid.)

3. Remove from freezer and scoop discs out of the muffin tin with a large spoon. Place into a ziploc and put back into the freezer. You have to move quickly for this stage, as the discs start to melt very quickly when exposed to the air.

When you're ready for your next stir fry: sautee 1 teaspoon minced garlic in 1 tablespoon olive oil. Add 2 cups of your preferred veggies and stir until coated and slightly wilted. Add in a seasoning disc- it should melt immediately upon contact with the frying pan. Stir until all the veggies are coated and cook on low until they are heated through. You can add meat of your choice too of course. I added some pre-grilled chicken to mine last night.


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