Thursday, 31 January 2013

Day 20: January Retrospective!

Well, we've hit the end of January. The coldest month on average, and one of the darkest as well. For a person that's never done New Year's resolutions before (or at least never kept them), I'm pretty proud of the way these last three weeks went. I've done many things differently and tried some new things as well:

- Drank a green smoothie (almost) every day
- Drank honey/cinnamon tea every morning
- Added ground flax seed to my diet
- Reduced processed food and sugar intake
- Paid attention to the nutritional breakdown of my daily meals (fibre, protein, sodium, etc)
- Reduced alcohol consumption
- Eliminated carbonated, artificially sweetened beverages (I'm really proud of this one!)
- Stuck with my committment to write in this blog! (That has helped with my accountability)
- Stopped buying my coffee in the mornings (I gave in twice...not bad)
- Used the "oil method" of cleaning my face for the last week

I definitely feel healthier overall, and have avoided any full-blown virus in the season when EVERYONE is sick with one thing or another. This is the first January where I haven't had a chronic sinus headache/ infection and chronic sore throat. My skin is clear and hydrated for the first winter EVER (and it hasn't been this smooth since I was probably 10 years old.) On top of all that I managed to lose 4 lbs of post-holiday weight; an unplanned side-benefit. It's a pretty impressive picture overall. I'm looking forward to continuing with these new habits, continuing to reduce the bad habits, and working more on my mental wellbeing, which the longer days will help with. For the month of January I award myself a B+. Bring on February! (I will be dispensing with the day count in the titles from this point forward, as I never really figured out if I should be accounting for the days when I don't make a blog entry. Day 20 seems a nice round number to stop at.)

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Day 19: Cauliflower Prosciutto Souffles

As I've previously mentioned, I am a big fan of sneaking pureed veggies into various recipes. Mainly cauliflower and spinach due to their mild, easily disguised taste. During my recent diet revamping I've been somewhat reliant on hardboiled eggs at lunchtime. They're easy, transportable and satisfying. One thing they DO lack is a lot of flavour. Rather than fall into a rut of the same, bland food day in and day out I decided to experiment with an impromptu baked egg recipe:

6 eggs
1/2 cup pureed cauliflower
1/2 cup 2% plain greek yogurt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste
Prosciutto or bacon

*Nutritional info (not including prosciutto or bacon):
Serving size: 1 souffle
Amount per serving: 56 calories
Calories from fat: 32.2
Total fat: 3.58 g/ 5%
Saturated fat: 1.25 g/ 6%
Cholesterol: 111.67 mg/ 37%
Sodium: 75.2 mg/ 3%
Total carbohydrate: 0.92 g/ 0%
Dietary fiber: 0.2 g/ 0%
Sugars: 0.69 g
Protein: 5 g/ 10%

Percentage of calories from:
Fat: 53%
Carbs: 6%
Protein: 35%

I blended the whole works in my Vitamix, but it could just as easily be hand whisked, so no need for fancy appliances. (And no- they're not proper souffles...I don't separate the whites from the yolks. I just really like the word souffle!) Here they are before baking:

Pour mixture into muffin tin to just below rim and garnish with the prosciutto or bacon if you desire (I sure do!) This recipe should yield 10 portions. Bake at 350 for 20-25 mins, until golden brown on top. They can be eaten immidiately or refrigerated for later use. A couple of these at lunch, paired with fruit or some raw veggies makes for a very satisfying meal. Bon appetit!

*I get the nutrition info from's Daily Plate My Recipes. You just input the ingredients and it gives you the details. No guesswork.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Day 18: Pantry Decluttering = Peace of Mind

On the surface my home is reasonably clean and tidy (most of the time). But I have a habit of allowing clutter to accumulate behind closed doors and in drawers...anywhere out of sight really. In my current home a lot of areas were haphazardly crammed full when I moved in over the summer, and never properly organized. That's what I get for not taking any time off during the move! Being the type who loves order (but who, perversely, tends to procrastinate), the clutter preys on my mind as I find excuses to avoid tidying it. I've reached a breaking point! This week is all about decluttering the center of my home where all random objects gravitate...the kitchen. Project number one was the pantry. It's a rather tiny pantry considering I have very little additional food storage. Consequently the shelves are packed to the brim and I completely forget about the stuff that gets shoved towards the back. It's aaaaall coming out for an assessment, reorganization and deep cleaning.

Before: there was no particular order to things...soup cans were literally on every shelf wherever they would fit. The floor was covered in scattered cleaning products and recycling. There were tons of ancient cereal boxes. (None of us even eat cereal so I'm not sure what I was saving them for.) There were several large boxes with one or two items left, taking up unnecessary room. And it was just plain dirty. And I've only lived here for 6 months! Yeesh.

After: I pulled everything out and put it either into bins for sorting, or into garbage bags. It might not look like it, but I got two full garbage bags of old stuff out of there. I scrubbed the whole thing down with a vinegar/water spray (scented with essential orange oil.) Then I restocked the pantry keeping like foods with like this time. And lo and behold! I can actually find things now! It's a little peace of mind during my hectic day.

 Next step: my baking supplies cupboard...I'm a little scared to be honest...

Monday, 28 January 2013

Day 17: Here We Go Again

Another Monday rolls around! This time it wasn't quite as hectic getting out the door. Time seemed to be on my side, which is a rare occurance. My weekend was very unstructured, resulting in a mad last-minute frenzy of Sunday laundry, baking, cleaning and bookkeeping (I do some books on the side in addition to my office job.) I was seriously questioning my priorities as I realized that I am running a household, holding down a full time job AND doing work on the side. I've never been one of those people that needs to be busy all the time to feel like I've accomplished something. I cherish my unscheduled time and I hoarde those hours as often as possible. I would much rather have "nothing to do" than be running here, there and everywhere on a daily basis. But life has a way of taking on its own momentum if we don't actively stop it from doing so. I do believe it's time for a change. If I could pop a pill that negated the need for sleep that would be ideal....but alternatively I need to figure out ways to be more organized on a consistent basis!

I found this site that looks promising: I will be attempting some of the speed cleaning tips and menu planning. I'll let you all know how it goes! Until then....I will breeeeeathe. 

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Day 16: Hello Sunshine!

Sunny days have been few and far between lately, and even when it does make an appearance I'm usually indoors, working. By the time I get home it's dark. Today mother nature took pity on this vitamin D deprived gal and gave us an incredibly beautiful, warm, sunny winter day. I wasn't about to let it pass me by without enjoying it. I went on a solo snowshoe hike in the sparkling, marshmallowy world. The sun filtered through the trees, painting the pathway gold and making every surface glimmer. It's times like that that make a person pause and forget everything, just to spend a few moments in sync with nature. I am restored and recharged! Happy Saturday!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Day 15: Sweet Potato Chips

Last night I decided to try out a recipe for sweet potato chips that I found online. While regular potatos are considered an inflammatory food, sweet potatos are just the opposite, and they are delicious to boot! I had a craving for that salty crunch that only chips can satisfy, so I set about satisfying it in a healthy way. Now it took some trial and error in prepping them before I discovered the easy way to do it.

I started by cutting the scrubbed, unpeeled sweet potato into quarters and feeding them into my food processor to slice. Of course you could use a knife as well, but I wanted the slices to be as thin as possible, and I can never cut a straight line freehand. I then tossed the pieces with 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of chili powder and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt in a large bowl.

The recipe called for laying the pieces in a single layer on a parchment covered cookie sheet and cooking at 350 F for 12 minutes. I did try that, but found that they were completely soggy and limp afterwards. Even an additional 10 minutes didn't redeem them. My boyfriend tried frying them in olive oil on his cast iron skillet. That worked a little better, but they ended up quite singed and used more oil than I would have liked. We ate those ones for dinner anyway and they weren't too bad. As I was falling asleep that night I wondered if it might have worked better just to microwave some pieces on a paper towel...after all, it works for bacon. Yes, these are the exciting thoughts that run through my head! So first thing the next morning I tried it out, thinking I could take them to work for my lunch. (There were still quite a few uncooked slices leftover in the fridge.) I laid a single layer on a folded paper towel and zapped it for 4 minutes on high. And....perfection! Golden crispy and delicious. The chili powder and salt gave just enough flavour to complement the natural sweetness. SO the moral of the story is: microwaves are handy tools! And I have a yummy snack in my lunchbag calling to me....

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Day 14: Restorative Yoga

I met with my best bud at her local yoga studio yesterday evening for some soothing restorative yoga. The last time we went together we had signed up for beginner hatha yoga and it ended up being quite a lot more challenging than either of us expected. Though it felt good at the time for me, it did exacerbate my back pain rather than treat it. This time it was a completely different experience. The instructor was very matter-of-fact and easy to understand, and she didn't push anyone beyond their capabilities. The session was full of soothing postures that treated stiff hips, shoulders and the lower back. Unlike hatha, it involved the use of props such as bolsters, blankets, bricks and straps.

Much as my inner kick-ass chick hates to admit it, this was definitely what my body was asking for. It was not athletic or sweat-inducing, but it WAS restorative. I woke up this morning feeling great, and slightly less stiff than I normally would. This blog is all about listening to my body and giving it what it needs, so I need to shift my perspective on what constitutes success in physical fitness. I need to sloooow down and stop jumping into things, immidiately expecting to do it all, and at an expert level no less. So in the end it was a lovely evening with my friend and a good lesson learned.

I tried a new face cleansing method last night as well. I've always been skeptical about the high-priced anti-aging products on the market, knowing that high cost does NOT equal a more effective product. Women in particular are targeted with these ads....if you don't drain your bank account, you're not doing enough! Pshaw I say! So I tried a simple mixture of 2 parts castor oil to 1 part olive oil (you adjust according to how oily or dry your face is: more castor oil for oily skin and more olive oil for dry skin. Since I have combination skin this proportion seems suitable.) The method calls for massaging a quarter-sized amount into your face and neck, then draping a hot facecloth onto your face for about a minute. Wipe the oil off, rinse the cloth, and wipe again to remove the residue. That's it. It does NOT leave the skin oily and it does not cause acne. This was only my first time trying it, but I have to say my skin is very hydrated and glowy today. I am prone to break-outs so I am interested to see what happens after a week. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Day 13: Evolution?

After only 2 full days of eating 90% "clean" (as in no processed foods, refined flour or sugar) I'm feeling absolutely fantastic again. So why is it that even though we all know that we feel better when eating healthy, we still get lured so easily into unhealthy habits? You would think that the brain would make the connection: "I feel amazing when I do THIS, I feel awful when I do THAT." Yes I know the arguments; we are sabotaged by clever marketing strategies to get us to eat poison...corporations want us all to be sick so they can make more money off of us...our culture is set up in a way that encourages a junk-filled, sedentary lifestyle. Yes, yes and yes. I don't disagree with any of that, but it still doesn't explain how humans evolved this far by consciously making decisions that made them feel awful. Are we all just a bunch of masochists? Or is it that the social rewards (real or imagined) override our need to be healthy and thrive? I'm thinking that's the real issue at hand. Well luckily I'm an somewhat cynical introvert trained in psychology who can forgo the social rewards and be perfectly okay with it! Take THAT society!

On a less defensive friend recently started making green smoothies for herself, and she suggested trying pineapple. It sounded delicious, so I picked some up and replaced my berries with a cup of chopped pineapple. It was like a tropical breeze in the middle of our cold, dark winter. I'm a pineapple convert now! And the benefits of this fruit are right in line with my needs: it's an anti-inflammatory along with being great for healthy bones and connective tissues. Thanks for the suggestion my friend!

Today's smoothie recipe:
1 banana
2 large kale leaves, chopped
4-5 cups mixed organic baby greens
1/4 cup ground flax seed
1 cup chopped fresh pineapple

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Day 12: Aloe Vera Awesomeness

We all know that aloe vera is very effective for topical use on burns, abrasions and minor skin irritations, but it was news to me that you could also get some amazing benefits from ingesting the gel. With a list that rivals even garlic, this article piqued my interest:

The article goes quite in-depth, but here is a list of the main benefits from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor at

- halts the growth of cancer tumors
- lowers high cholesterol
- repairs "sludge blood" and reverses "sticky blood"
- boosts the oxygenation of your blood
- eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain (ding, ding, ding!)
- protects the body from oxidative stress
- prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea (another personal concern of mine)
- balances overly acidic dietary habits
- cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders
- reduces high blood pressure
- nourishes with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients
- accelerates burn healing
- helps to halt colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract
- ends constipation
- stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics
- prevents and treat candida infections
- protects the kidneys from disease
- functions as nature's own "sports drink" for electrolyte balance
- boosts cardio performance and physical endurance
- speeds recovery from physical exertion or injury
- hydrates the skin and accelerates skin repair

So after reading the entire article and doing some additional online research about aloe vera, I wanted to give it a try. Sadly it's not readily available in Alberta in its pure, ready-to-drink form, and I don't have an aloe vera plant in my house (maybe I should!) I followed the link to "Good Cause Wellness" based out of Arizona, where they offer pure, unadulterated aloe vera powder dehydrated from its gel form, but still retaining all of its benefits.They don't raise any scam alarms, so I went ahead and ordered some.

I will be adding the powder to my green smoothies when it arrives, and will hopefully start feeling the benefits after a few weeks. For now, I will continue to use the ingredients I have at hand. This morning I varied my recipe by replacing the banana with greek yogurt (yum!), and tossing in a 1/4 cup of ground flax seed. It completely altered the taste obviously; the greens tasted a lot more prominent (I didn't realize how much the banana flavor masks everything), and the flax added a nutty taste and grainy texture. It was more filling as well. All in all it was  satisfying, but I think I'll stick with my banana in the future.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Day 11: Post Travel Blahs...

There is something that I have learned about myself in recent years: while I enjoy the experience of traveling, it takes a toll on me mentally and physically. I've always preferred home to any other place (wherever home might be.) The trip is always worth it, but the aftermath is inescapable. I end up feeling exhausted even if I had plenty of sleep, and I have a sense of mild depression/ general crankiness. It's an unpleasant side effect to be sure, and there is no better feeling than returning home to my own bed.

I viewed this long weekend as an experiment of sorts. After a couple weeks of very healthy, nutritious eating and avoiding known inflammatory foods, I said goodbye to all the dietary rules for a few days. I fell all too easily into the fast food/ high fat/ overly processed junk trap, along with heaping helpings of red wine. This is where I go when I remove all discipline, and I was expecting and allowing it. Not surprisingly I felt a lack of energy and intestinal discomfort, but in addition I noticed an immediate increase in my lower back pain and a resurgence of that darn cold virus that's still hanging around in the background. This is no groundbreaking news flash, but I have proven to my satisfaction that diet effects my osteoarthritis, and I can control the pain to an extent through healthy living. I look forward to getting back into my healthy routine tomorrow, and planning ahead better the next time I travel!

Aside from those issues, it was lovely to have a good visit with my family and enjoy a bit of the great outdoors. My daughter and I went snowshoeing with my brother and sister-in-law and had a nice break from the constant low-hanging clouds of winter, breaking through into bright sunlight that reflected beautifully off the snow crystals decorating every surface. We managed to get a good hike in despite my little slowpoke investigating every tree and stump. Her uncle showed her how to shake a tree to get a snow-shower, so of course every tree had to be shaken. I am a slow learner though- when her auntie decided to play the same trick on me I stood there and looked up as the clumps of wet snow dropped on my head. Great aim- she got it right in my eye, wedged between my face and sunglasses! It was.....invigorating to say the least. But I always love sharing the outdoors with them, snow-shower or not!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Adieu till next week!

I'm taking a brief hiatus so I can fully enjoy my time with my fabulous family this weekend. My daughter and I are both very excited to be flying to them tomorrow. Have an awesome weekend!

Day 10: Sleep....Glorious Sleep

I was hoping to get to bed early-ish last night due to my lack of sleep the night before, but that didn't happen. I finally closed my eyes at around 11 pm, which gives me 7 hours instead of my preferred 8. However, my sleep was SO deep and solid that I don't remember a thing between closing my eyes and suddenly waking up 10 minutes before my alarm. It was like I had been drugged. I flailed around confusedly trying to check the time, unpinning myself from the sheet that always twists around me like a boa constrictor, and realized that my iphone wasn't on its dock on my nightstand as usual. Since I use my phone as an alarm clock I wondered briefly where the heck it went and if I would hear it when 6:00 rolled around. Then I snuggled back into my warm nest and promptly fell back asleep. It turns out the phone hadn't gone far. It did go off at 6:00, and I found it buried in the blankets at the foot of the bed. I have NO IDEA how it got there. That has never happened before, and I can only assume that I moved it for whatever reason in my sleep. Or I have a ghost. Long story short, I slept AWESOME when I finally did get to sleep, and I had no problem being just a tad cheerier than usual this morning.

The past couple of days I've managed to drink both my honey-cinnamon tea AND a green smoothie before leaving the house. It gives me an unbelievable boost both physically and mentally. I have been eating well, trying to avoid inflammatory foods (aside from a brush with some ground Italian sausage. I'm not sorry.) I definitely feel better and less achey when I follow that regimen. The healthier I can be this week the better, since my daughter and I are flying out to visit my mom, brother and sister-in-law on Thursday. I always completely derail when I travel, and end up with indigestion and regrets. I did request that my mom have organic honey and cinnamon on hand though, so at least I can keep up with that routine.

Happy Wednesday all!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Day 9: Insomnia and Healthier Homemade Pasta! (Not necessarily related!)

After my complaints about waking up grumpy on Monday morning, it seems my body decided to play a little joke on me and give me insomnia last night! I did get a good 4.5 hours of solid sleep at least, while reminding myself that I would have been thrilled with that much when my daughter was a newborn. As I tend to do when I can't sleep, I laid in bed for awhile listening intently for random sounds while at the same time trying not to listen so I could actually sleep. My brain is very perverse that way. Finally I got tired of fidgeting and decided on a change of scenery. For whatever reason when I can't sleep in bed, the couch usually does the trick. It worked....until my daughter came wandering to find me in the middle of the night with her flashlight. 

I did try my "happy wake up" tricks this morning and they helped somewhat, although I'm sure they'd be more effective yet if I got a solid sleep. I can still smell the essential orange oil on my wrists. Mmmmm. Crossing my fingers for a better sleep tonight!

On a different note, I had a very satisfying dinner last night. I like to make my own pasta about once a week from flour, eggs and pureed veggies (usually either spinach or cauliflower- they add a very mild flavor that doesn't overpower the palette). I feel good about feeding it to my non-veggie eating daughter. She likes to eat it plain with a little butter and salt. The adults like it with pasta sauce of course, although it is delicious all on its own. I usually have pre-prepared pureed spinach and cauliflower in my freezer so that makes the process fairly quick and easy...crucial when you work full time and arrive home starving!

I use 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs and 1/2 cup pureed veggies. After hand-mixing in the bowl, I turn it onto a floured surface and knead until it has a smooth, elastic consistency. I often add a few more pinches of flour to reduce  the stickiness at this point. Sticky pasta dough does NOT work well in the pasta maker. I pull out my beloved Pasta Queen, which I scored at a garage sale for $5. Technically I bought it as a gift for my mom, but she moved away, and after some negotiating I got to keep it...although she's never let me forget! The dough can be divided into 4 portions. I don't find it necessary to use a rolling pin- I just flatten each piece slightly and feed it through the flattening roller. Often, I will fold the piece back on itself and roll it again to get a nice, smooth piece. Once I'm satisfied, it goes through the pasta cutting roller. I like to sprinkle a little flour in there before feeding the dough through so it doesn't stick together.

I lay the pasta out on parchment paper and make sure the individual pieces are separated so they don't clump together in the water. Once the water's boiling, fresh pasta cooks super-quick. It's done when it floats at the top, which takes a couple minutes max. Voila! A very filling and nutritious dish.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Common Inflammatory FoodsAlternatives
SugarsNatural sweeteners: honey, molasses, stevia
Oils: safflower, sunflower, corn, cottonseed, grapeExtra virgin olive, macadamia
DairyKefir, unsweetened yogurt
Feedlot raised meetFree range organic
Refined grains (white flour, white rice)Whole wheat, whole grain
Trans fats: fast food, deep-fried, any food Avoid when possible
containing partially hydrogenated oil 
Red meats & processed meats (bacon & sausage)Avoid when possible
AlcoholAvoid when possible
Artificial additives such as MSGAvoid when possible
Nightshade plants: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplantAvoid when possible

I made a handy chart to display on my fridge at home. These are good reminders. I am particularly weak in the alcohol, bacon and sausage department! I would never go so far as to claim I'm cutting them out of my diet altogether, but I will be reducing the frequency that I consume them.

Day 8: Mental Well-Being Monday (is it possible?)

So far in my blog I have focused on physical well-being, which obviously has links to mental well-being. But what about things that can be done specifically to improve one's outlook and mood? As I turned off my 6 am alarm this morning I felt the usual rush of unpleasant sensations and thoughts; "it's too early, I feel like I need at least another hour of sleep", "god my hips and back hurt. Getting out of bed is going to be painful", "the dogs are pinning me down and they won't MOVE", "Ugh. It's Monday."

At 6 am it doesn't feel like there's anything good about the day, and nothing to look forward to. My routine is very tight on weekdays. I need to get out of bed immidiately and hop in the shower so I can be ready by 7 am. Then I wake up my daughter and get some food into her before her bus arrives. She's no more of a morning person than I am, so this doubles the challenge. The dogs must be let out and back in (and retrieved if they decide to bark at the neighbors, which is most of the time.) I need to find some clothes to wear that look half decent.  I don't know why I don't lay them out the night before. I just can't seem to do that consistently. And of course I need to find the time to make my cinnamon-honey tea now, and a big mug of coffee to take to work. (Part of my New Year's resolution was to stop buying my coffee every morning so I'd save a few bucks.) WOW....was that enough whining yet? Believe me, an hour later my mood is usually drastically improved and the dark thoughts I have upon rising are far behind me. I know I have it good compared to many, many people; it just feels like my bad morning mood is difficult to overcome.

On that topic, I am going to implement a few simple things that won't take away from my time but will hopefully make it easier to wake up in a decent mood. First of all, instead of rolling (literally) out of bed and hobbling painfully to the bathroom, I will take a few seconds to stretch and take some deep breathes. Second, I have a drawer full of essential oils that I mostly use when I'm making homemade cleaners (I'll do an entry on that sometime soon.) But essential oils can also be used to great effect when you need to alter your mood or combat fatigue. Citrus and minty scents are particularly useful for those purposes. They can be applied sparingly as a perfume or put in a spray bottle. Third, I will ensure that I have a full water bottle ready when I wake up. I often have dry mouth, but am too rushed to go downstairs for a glass. It's amazing how a good drink of water can perk a person up. And finally, I will have peppy, upbeat music playing as I'm going through my morning routine. Hopefully with these measures I will have a more cheerful morning tomorrow, and for all the Mondays yet to come.

Happy Monday!! 

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Day 7: Banana Oatmeal Cookies

Another weekend winds down to a close. The sun is starting to set already at 4 pm...such is life in Canada this time of year. Sunday is usually spent tidying the house, washing laundry, running errands and generally preparing for the week ahead. Today was no exception. I like to do a bit of baking for school (and work) lunches so we don't rely too heavily on processed junk. I tried a recipe that offers a slightly healthier alternative to tradional chocolate-chip cookies but is still kid and adult approved.

Follow this link to see the recipe:

I like to use brown sugar and whole wheat flour, and I add a 1/4 cup of ground flax seed. It makes them a little healthier but still just as yummy. Because of the banana, they are nice and moist, and stay that way right up until the last one is eaten. On that note, pardon me before I get crumbs on my keyboard! Happy Sunday all, and may Monday be kind to you.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Day 6: Buh-Bye Carbonation (but not caffeine!)

I actually said goodbye to artificially sweetened, heavily caffeinated beverages since the beginning of this month without planning to. It just kind of happened...I realized I had gone 2 weeks without, and I thought- I'll just make that part of my lifestyle now. Why not? I've always known that aspartame is toxic and that the fizz is bad for my teeth, I just didn't act on it. I felt I needed that mid-afternoon boost that only a gigantic, sugar-free energy drink seemed to fulfill. I still hit a bit of a post-lunch slump, but I find that I can get through it just fine without that fix. And if I really need some caffeine, I'll get it via good old fashioned black coffee. I do love my coffee. I don't drink it by the potful, but I always, always have a travel mug-sized helping in the mornings. And nothing that I've heard or read has persuaded me to do otherwise. Despite caffeine being a drug, there are health benefits of drinking coffee regularly. It has more antioxidants than tea for heaven's sake! I know the tea-advocates will stick their fingers in their ears and go "la la la la la...I am not listening...." but your drink is actually not superior to mine in terms of health benefits. I'm also 100% certain that I'm a much more likable person once I've had my morning cup(s). I like it strong and black without the calorie boosting sugar and cream. Yes, I'm a totally badass coffee drinker.

Here's a recent article to back up my claim:

The Case for Coffee: All the Latest Research to Defend Your Caffeine Addiction, in One Place - The Atlantic

Friday, 11 January 2013

Day 5: Non-Traditional Treadmill Use

My back was quite cranky all day yesterday thanks to a slippery deck prior to snowshoeing Wednesday night. I didn't fall, but my foot slipped and I caught myself, instinctively tensing up those lower back muscles. I gave myself a pass on yoga, but I wanted to do something for exercise since I've been doing well all week. I hate to break the streak! The treadmill in the corner of the family room caught my eye. I bought it used last summer and haven't properly broken it in yet. As an osteoarthritis sufferer, regular running is a big no-no. It's notorious for causing joint wear-and-tear, and the osteoarthritis tends to form in damaged joints. I bought the treadmill thinking I could use it to walk briskly on an incline when I didn't want to go outside. Then I read an article on effective cardio/ rear-end muscle toning exercises. It suggested that rather than turning the treadmill on, you simply move the belt yourself. Hmm. I didn't even realize that a person could do that, let alone use it as a workout. Well it actually does work, and quite well. It is a HARD workout that requires leaning forward, grabbing the handles and puuuushing down as hard as you can as you stride. Once you get it going it's a little easier, but I still felt my calves burning after only a couple minutes. Ten minutes was my limit- my leg muscles were done and I was panting (okay- I started panting after the first 30 seconds). Short but effective! And my back is feeling much better today.

I slept terribly last night and I can just feel that cold virus lurking, ready to pounce when it senses weakness. My honey-cinnamon tea helped a little, but I am fatigued. Hopefully the afternoon isn't too rough. The only "obligation" I have this evening is to make banana bread as per my boyfriend's request. I'm thinking that despite it being Friday, it will be an early night. TGIF everyone!!

Just for fun- here's a picture of my little monkey using the treadmill (in the traditional way.) Jazz hands!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Pet Peeves in the Healthy Living Realm

Just a quick time-out to talk about a few things that really get on my nerves when reading online:

People who like to use new (and unneccesary) terms to sound more knowledgable. Example "healthful"...What does the word "healthful" have to offer that wasn't already covered by "healthy"? Oh wait, I know; "healthy" is too common and doesn't fit in with your need to be condescending to your readers. Look- I enjoy descriptive writing, and I appreciate stepping outside the realm of common word usage too, but I'm not going to outright invent a new word. You are being pretentious. Get over yourself.

Those who go all-or-nothing with a new lifestyle. They can't JUST be a vegetarian...they need to be on a vegan raw diet that is so restrictive that they need to bring their own food wherever they go. (These people are out there.) Seriously- how exhausting would it be to obsess over your food to that extent? Yikes.

The bandwagon jumpers who grab hold of a new "fact" without doing their own independent research, then feel knowledgable enough to preach their info to any heathen who'll listen. "Facts", particularly when it comes to diet, change on a daily basis. They are fluid. As long as you know the basics that have stood the test of time, you're probably safe to avoid every new trend and buzzword that comes along.

When I read a blog or website that suggests "my way is the ONLY way", or one that uses a lot of made up buzzwords, their credibility (and likability) plummets in my eyes. None of this is an exact science, and moderation is the key in all things. Of course I'm not trying to sell anything!

Okay! Vent done. Moving on with my day.

Day 4: Going Strong

It occurred to me this morning during my 40ish minute commute to work (yuck) that if I do at least one positive thing for my health per day, whether it's physical or mental, then I can be proud of myself and know that I'm on the right path. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation", which means that I WILL eat junk along with the good stuff sometimes, and yes I enjoy a drink in the evening when I'm cozied up on the couch watching t.v. and getting my ass kicked by my boyfriend in Words with Friends. *side-eye to the boyfriend and his 127 point word* The point is, without the indulgences of life in moderation, we're not fully experiencing life. If we fuel our bodies with the good stuff and get exercise regularly, it's okay to have a cookie and a cocktail. And speaking of the good stuff- I tried an absolutely delicious new way to prepare broccoli last night:

SO GOOD....and I brought the leftovers for lunch. Is it 12:00 yet? Here's what I did:

Roasted Broccoli with mozzarella:

1 bag of frozen chopped broccoli (you could also use fresh of course)
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
Garlic powder OR minced garlic (1 clove)
Salt and pepper

Toss it all into a large ziploc and shake, shake, shake! Spread out in a baking dish and cook for about 20 minutes at 425 F. Remove from oven and sprinkle liberally with grated mozzarella. Bake for an additional 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and golden. While it's roasting, mix up this simple dressing:

Honey-Balsamic dressing:

1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon honey
1 clove minced garlic

Drizzle over your broccoli (or dump it on like I did) and enjoy! You can make a full meal of it or use it as a side dish.

After I digested my broccoli masterpiece last night I was ready to try out my new MSR snowshoes. My boyfriend and I took a quick evening hike to the river valley nearby. The shoes were incredibly easy to get used to- they allowed for a very natural stride and gripped the ice like nobody's business. On the flip side, they also did well in the deep powder off the trails. I am very happy with my investment. It was a lovely, mild evening, and it's always exhilarating to get outside this time of year.

My partner-in-crime leading the way:

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Veggie Protein

An interesting chart for reference. Love my spinach!

Day 3: Woo hoo!

I have to say that I am REALLY excited about the cinnamon/ honey tea benefits. I read the original article with healthy skepticism (as I do with everything), but I have proven to my satisfaction that it gives the immune system a giant boost. Monday night I was sick. Knocked out, every joint aching, head throbbing, throat in agony. The kind where you're 99% sure you'll be phoning in sick the next morning. I don't get hit that hard very often, but when I do I'm generally out of commission for a couple of days and dealing with the symptoms for up to 2 weeks. Not this time! (I hope I'm not jinxing myself.) Tuesday when I woke up I was still feeling rather blah, and my throat was very sore and dry. I had my "tea" followed by a green smoothie and almost immediately felt better. I got to work expecting to feel fatigued and achey again within a couple hours but it never happened! I sailed through the day as normal and still had energy left at 5:00. By the time I got home at 6:00 I was feeling good enough to work an hour long yoga session into my evening (making up for the lack of it the night before.) Mind you my joints DID still complain a bit, and my stamina was at a low point, but I got through it and felt awesome afterwards. Of course I had my tea again this morning and am feeling even better today.

I treated myself to a new pair of snowshoes yesterday. My old Tubbs were coming apart at the bindings and basically non salvageable, so it was time. I let the salesman talk me into a pair of MSR beauties in purple (well okay, I was pretty much sold as soon as I saw them so he didn't really have to try).

They have so many features that make them stand out, but the bindings in particular are what sold me. They are non water absorbent, and they won't loosen as I'm walking. Plus I have to admit they just look awesome. I am SUPER psyched to try them out in a moonlight hike through the woods behind my house. So in lieu of yoga tonight, I will be giving these a test-drive.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Day 2: Green Smoothie Goodness

Isn't it pretty? I've been drinking green smoothies for about a year now, and am trying to incorporate it into my diet every day. Some weeks are better than others, and it depends on the availability of organic greens. (Leafy greens are considered a "dirty" vegetable pesticide-wise, so it's best to go organic in this department.) Since I invested in a Vitamix blender it's super easy to whip one up. I've even got my picky-eating daughter drinking them now. Our fave recipe is 1 banana, several cups of baby spinach leaves (I stuff the blender) and a cup of red grapes. Add a bit of water for consistency and zap it. Voila: quick and delicious (for real! And I HATE veggies normally.)

So this morning after my honey-cinnamon concoction I blended one of these beauties and got an awesome kickstart to the day. Speaking of which- I found that boiling the cinnamon in water on the stovetop, then adding it to the honey in a mug worked much better for dissolving everything. No gelatinous lumps this morning, and the house smells great too.

Unfortunately my cold kicked into high gear when I got home last night so I was unable to face a session of yoga. Downward dog with a throbbing headache and achey joints? No thanks! I spent the evening comatose on the couch watching old episodes of Alfred Hitchcock instead. (Not to mention hot chocolate with a healthy shot of frangelico. Yum.)

Thankfully the cinnamon honey drink and green smoothie went a long way towards soothing my sore throat and restoring some energy. Also, my lower back definitely isn't as sore as it normally would be when I get a virus. Coincidence? Maybe....but maybe the cinnamon is doing its job already. Cheers to that!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Monday...a.k.a. Day 1

I read an article this morning touting the extensive and near-magical qualities of drinking honey and cinnamon "tea" on a daily basis to prevent everything from heart disease to weight gain. Arthritis relief and cold prevention were also in the list, and considering I'm having issues with both today, it spurred me into action. I popped into a nearby health-food store on my lunch hour and obtained some locally sourced honey and high quality cinnamon. $30 later (ouch!), I had a kg of delicious honey and two packages of cinnamon. I mixed the recommended teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 cup boiling water. Now cinnamon doesn't dissolve readily, so even after a few minutes of stirring it remained suspended in a gelatinous glob of honey towards the bottom of the mug. That's all right- at least the taste isn't utterly wretched. I downed my potion with no problem. It tasted slightly spicy and overtly sweet, but drinkable. From this point forward I will be drinking the mixture every morning before my coffee.

This evening I am making it my goal to get a 20 minute yoga session in before bed. This will be a challenge with the extra work I'm doing from home, but I'm sure I can squeeze it in there.

More tomorrow...

2013 baby!

I distinctly remember saying at the beginning of last year: "2012 is going to be the best year ever. I will make sure of it." Famous last words! For various reasons, 2012 was probably the most stressful on record in my life so far. Even when it's positive, change can be painful, and there was plenty of it for me. On the upside, I am in a position at the beginning of 2013 to fully enjoy my newly established life. Hurrah for new beginnings! While I try not to get too involved in New Year's resolutions, there is something exciting about the prospect of making self improvements this time of year. Maybe it's the distraction it offers from being deep in our cold, dark Canadian winters.

A bit of background about me, health-wise: a couple of years ago I was diagnosed with early osteoarthritis in my lower spine and neck. It causes near-constant pain that ebbs and flows along with changes in the weather and my hormonal cycles. With new evidence coming out all the time about the link between chronic inflammation and heart disease, I feel the need to try every safe avenue to keep it under control. I am not currently taking any mediciation.

I started taking yoga sporadically a couple months ago and fell instantly in love. While I have not noticed any improvements in my back pain, the mental benefits are immediate and undeniable. I am making it a goal to do at least 20 minutes of yoga at home every day. More when I can fit it in. While I love the dynamic of doing yoga in a class setting, it's not exactly budget-friendly, so I have some audio CDs that allow me to do it from home. In addition to the yoga, I will be trying some tested and approved dietary methods that are supposed to help with inflammation. So with no further ado....moving on to Day 1 in the next post!